
Transposon mutagenesis of an encapsulated, virulent strain of Vibrio vulnificus 1003(O) led to the identification of four genetic regions that are essential to capsular polysaccharide (CPS) expression and virulence. Of the four regions, three are believed to be part of a capsule gene locus comprised of biosynthesis, polymerization, and transport genes clustered on a single chromosomal fragment. Genes indicating a Wzy-dependent system of polymerization and transmembrane export are present, suggesting that the CPS of V. vulnificus is lipid linked. The fourth region, while it contains a gene essential for CPS expression, is characteristic of an integron-gene cassette region, similar to the super integron of V. cholerae. It is not believed to be part of a CPS gene locus and is located in a region of the chromosome separate from the putative CPS loci. It is comprised of open reading frames (ORFs) carrying genes of unknown function surrounded by direct repeats. This region also contains IS492, an insertion sequence located numerous times throughout a region of the genome, demonstrating a restriction fragment length polymorphism among an encapsulated and nonencapsulated morphotype of V. vulnificus. Collectively, 22 ORFs were recognized: 13 capsule synthesis genes, 4 insertion sequences, 1 truncated biosynthesis gene, and 4 genes of unknown function. This study has led to the identification of previously unrecognized genetic loci that may help to increase the understanding of capsular genetics and antigenic diversity among V. vulnificus strains.

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