
Photostimulated luminescence (PSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) methods were employed to monitor radiation-induced markers in gamma ray and electron-beam irradiated wheat after steaming (100 °C, 30 min) & puffing (1.176 MPa, 15 min) treatments. Steamed wheat samples, regardless of radiation source, gave photon counts (PCs) below 700 (negative) for non-irradiated samples whereas irradiated samples gave PCs in the range of 13,564–29,959 (positive) showing the effectiveness of PSL as a screening test. However, puffed irradiated wheat samples gave PCs in the range of 1100–2138 (intermediate) showing the more drastic effect of puffing treatment than steaming. In TL analysis, the most drastic effect on TL glow curve intensity was also found by puffing treatment, but for all other samples, identification was possible as a maximum peak for irradiated samples appeared in the range of 150–250 °C. TL ratio (TL1/TL2) was calculated after 1 kGy re-irradiation of TL1-tested minerals, to enhance the reliability of TL1 results. For the non-irradiated steamed samples, regardless of radiation source, TL ratio was less than 0.1 whereas ratios were more than 0.1 for all irradiated samples except puffed ones. The results proved the potential of luminescence techniques to characterize irradiated samples; however heat processing conditions showed an apparent effect on luminescence properties of irradiated samples.

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