
There was performed an analysis of the age structure of clinical forms of tuberculosis in children aged from 0 to 14 years. The most favorable structure of clinicalforms in children ofpreschool age was established to be characterized by absolute predominance of tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes (TILN), the minimum number of complications and generalized processes. The greatest number of the diseasedfor the 25-year period of observation was consisted of children ofprimary school age. The main method of detection of tuberculosis in children remained to be screening annual examination with the use of Mantoux test with 2 ТЕ PPD-L, in this way there were revealed 48% of all tuberculosis cases in children and 63,9% of cases of TILN. Extrapulmonary and generalized tuberculosis more frequently was revealed at the request for medical care and on contact, tuberculosis of the urinary system in 39,5% was revealed during examination of risk groups.

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