
Cryptosporidium parvum is among the major pathogens causing diarrheal diseases in children. It is of major public health significance due to its low infectious dose and its oocysts are highly resistant to chlorination, common household disinfectants and survive long periods in the environment. This study was designed to evaluate the occurrence of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in stool of hospitalized children under-5 years. One hundred and fifty (150) stool samples were collected from one hundred and fifty children (Male:Female = 1:1.08, Mean Age±S.D=22.08 months ± 21.02) and were processed using the modified Ziehl-Nelson method for identification of protozoan oocysts. Out of the one hundred and fifty (150) stool samples analyzed, 16 tested positive to oocysts of C. parvum, which gives a parasite prevalence rate of 10.7%. This was observed to be higher among male patients (52.0%) and children between the age 32-41 months (31.3%). Parasite prevalence in relation to age of patients was statistically not significant (X2=0.105, DF=1, P-value = 0.74591, p<0.05). Other intestinal protozoan parasites identified include Entamoeba histolytica (1.33%) and Giardia lamblia (2.60%).

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