
To select stable inheritable disomic substitution line from the filial generation of blue-grain wheat and common wheat high effectively, sequential GISH (genomic in situ hybridization) and multicolor FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) assay was used to investigate the number and characteristics of chromosome 4E in F4 and F6 hybrid offspring. The F4 and F6 plant were selected by the blue aleurone layer future, in which the bluegrain genes from Thinopyrum species were existed. GISH assay showed that the rate of stable inheritable disomic substitution line (blue-grain trait in common wheat) was above 80 percent in F6 plants, but lower in F4 plants. Specially, all of the F6 progenies of ‘qian 09206’, which was derived from crossing parents ‘0147’ and common wheat ’9938’, were homozygous disomic substitution lines. The sequential GISH-FISH assay showed that F4 progeny (B-228) from filial generation of ‘Neimai 10’ and ‘0147’ was a 4D/4E stable inheritable alien disomic substitution line. These results showed that the color based selection was not effective. However, combining color based selection with sequential GISH-FISH assay can improve wheat breeding efficiency.

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