
Identifying abnormality or diseases in tissue or organ by means of bioimpedance measurement is challenging though it is a novel application of bioimpedance measurement. In the identifying process, it is extremely important to standardize the measurement and to identify the bioimpedance parameters which are unique to a particular tissue. The set of unique bioimpedance parameters is used to characterize the given tissue. The unique parameters should be independent of position or coordinate of the tissue. For example, the characterizing parameters of an apple tissue should be independent of the measurement position of the apple. Cole bioimpedance parameters along with few derived parameters from Cole parameters are investigated in this work. Applying ANOVA on the boimpedance parameters, unique bioimpedance parameters are identified for characterizing tissue of apple. The capability of the identified impedance parameters to distinguish different species of apple is shown. This verification clearly shows that the identified parameters can be used to monitor early diseases in fruits, to separate an odd fruit or to monitor quality of fruits. In short, a tissue characterizing process by means of bioimpedance parameters is presented.

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