
Abstract: The main objective of this study is to bring the importance of Forensic Stylistics in light of scientific examination in fixing authorship of the writer. Thorough study of written language present in the writings of an individual belonging to a particular religion in case of anonymous letters, ransom notes, threat letters etc. will lead to the identification of the religion. With the help of Forensic Stylistics, Forensic Document examiner will be able to determine the written language, use of common words in different religion, which in turn will facilitate in identification of the religion. Forensic stylistics help in the identification of an individual which is equally important to find out the religious background, spiritual belief and religious teachings which remain with the writer as a distinguishing features or characteristic features of the religion from which the writer belongs to. For comparison, the standards may not be available most of the times, therefore a detail and thorough study of the writing purported to be written by a particular person can establish the religious group of the write. [1-2] For the study, 150 samples of 5 different religions were collected out of which 80 samples belonging to three different religious groups, i.e Christian, Hindu, Islam are taken into consideration to ascertain the religion of the writer.

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