
Effects of acute and chronic psychological stress in the brain of domestic avian species have not been extensively studied. Experiments were performed using restraint stress to determine groups of neurons activated in the septum and diencephalon of chickens. Using FOS immunoreactivity six brain structures were shown activated by acute stress including: the lateral hypothalamic area (LHy), ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VLT), lateral septum (LS), lateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTL), nucleus of the hippocampal commissure (NHpC) and the core region of the paraventricular nucleus (PVNc). Additionally, the LHy and PVNc showed increased FOS immunoreactive (-ir) cells in the birds chronically stressed when compared to controls. In contrast, the NHpC showed decreased FOS-ir cells following the 10day chronic stress imposed. Thereafter, restraint stress experiments were performed to identify activated arginine vasotocin (AVT) neurons (parvocellular or magnocellular) using immunocytochemistry. Of the six FOS activated structures, the PVN was known to contain distinct size groups of AVT-ir neurons, parvocellular (small), medium sized and magnocellular (large). Using dual immunostaining (AVT/FOS), AVT-ir parvocellular neurons in the PVNc were found activated in both acute and chronic stress. To determine whether these AVT-ir parvocellular neurons are co-localized with corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), an attempt was made to visualize CRH-ir neurons using colchicine. Although AVT-ir and CRH-ir parvocellular neurons occur in the PVNc, only a few neurons were shown co-localized with AVT and CRH after acute restraint stress. Results of this study suggest that the NHpC, LS, VLT, BSTL, LHy and AVT-ir parvocellular neurons in the PVNc are associated with psychological stress in birds.

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