
Balinese language is one of the regional languages in Indonesia that has a unique talk system, it is still alive and used as an instrument of communication of Balinese tribe so that it should be well maintained in order to still exist as a cultural vehicle of Bali. The Balinese language has anggah-ungguh kruna (level-word) that an important role in the formation of speech-level or anggah-ungguh basa Bali. This paper aims to describe the identification anggah-ungguh kruna (word level arrangement) which is the specific feature of speaking Balinese. This research is a qualitative research discuss with structuralism theory. Data collection was done by observation and interview method, assisted by recording technique. The collected data is processed by analytical descriptive method. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be described that anggah-ungguh kruna basa Bali include: (1) kruna nenten alus (kruna kasar, mider, and andap); (2) kruna alus, include: (kruna alus singgih, alus sor, alus mider, and alus madia).

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