
Six alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., cultivars were screened in the greenhouse for antixenosis and antibiosis to the threecornered alfalfa hopper, Spissistilus festinus (Say). The cultivars ‘Zia’ and ‘Cimarron VR’ showed antixenotic properties by harboring lower adult populations and exhibiting less girdle damage. ‘Cimarron’ was the most preferred cultivar based upon increased girdle damage and larger adult populations. In the antibiosis test, significant variation among the cultivars was found for adult male weights but not female weights, indicating sex-based differences in threecornered alfalfa hopper susceptiblity to antibiotic factors. ‘Dona Ana’ exhibited antibiosis by decreasing male adult threecornered alfalfa hopper weights; however, nymphal duration and female weights were not affected. Nymphal duration was significantly shorter on ‘Zia’ compared with ‘Florida 77’. Results show that variation in alfalfa susceptibility to the threecornered alfalfa hopper does exist, and further development of resistance may increase the importance of host-plant resistance in the management of this alfalfa pest.

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