
pIP501 is a member of a group of conjugative plasmids that are self-transmissible to a wide variety of streptococci as well as to other gram-positive bacteria. Several pIP501 restriction fragment deletion derivatives have been isolated and characterized. In this paper we describe one such derivative (pVA1702) which was conjugally proficient but had a limited host range. The loss of host range ability was seen as decreased conjugal transfer from Enterococcus faecalis to Streptococcus sanguis and was coincident with the deletion of a 4.5-kb DNA fragment. Transformation of pVA1702 into S. sanguis also was dramatically reduced as compared to its progenitor, suggesting the 4.5-kb fragment encoded a factor(s) necessary for stable maintenance in this host but not in E. faecalis. These observations suggest that pIP501 employs specific mechanisms enabling its maintenance in certain gram-positive bacteria.

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