
Yersinia entercolitica is a bacterial species within the genus Yersinia, mostly known as a human enteric pathogen, but also recognized as a zoonotic agent widespread in domestic pigs. Findings of this bacterium in wild animals are very limited. The current report presents results of the identification of cultures of Y. entercolitica from dead bats after a massive bat die-off in a cave in western Georgia. The growth of bacterial colonies morphologically suspected as Yersinia was observed from three intestine tissues of 11 bats belonging to the Miniopterus schreibersii species. These three isolates were identified as Y. enterocolitica based on the API29 assay. No growth of Brucella or Francisella bacteria was observed from tissues of dead bats. Full genomes (a size between 4.6–4.7 Mbp) of the Yersinia strains isolated from bats were analyzed. The phylogenetic sequence analyses of the genomes demonstrated that all strains were nearly identical and formed a distinct cluster with the closest similarity to the environmental isolate O:36/1A. The bat isolates represent low-pathogenicity Biotype 1A strains lacking the genes for the Ail, Yst-a, Ysa, and virulence plasmid pYV, while containing the genes for Inv, YstB, and MyfA. Further characterization of the novel strains cultured from bats can provide a clue for the determination of the pathogenic properties of those strains.


  • Bats have received intensive attention as reservoirs of zoonotic pathogens, mostly of viral infectious agents

  • Anullmpboesirt,iwvehaicnhdwnaesgathtievne cAoPmIpteasrtedrewsuiltths pwreorfieleconmumpibleedrs tion aobctoaminmaerpcriaolficloedneubmoobke.r, which was compared with profile numbers in a commFoerrcgieanl ecoradlebbaocotekr.iology, homogenized tissue suspensions were plated on sheep blood, CIN agar and EFnodrogeangaerrapllbaatecstearniodloingcyu,bhaotmedofgoern7iz2ehdattisasmuebsieunstpceonnsdioitniosnwfeorlelopwlaintegdAoPnIs2h9eEepanbdloPohdo, eCnIiNx taegsatsr faonrdthEenirdfouartghaerrpidlaetnetsifiacnadtioinnc.ubated for 72 h at ambient condition following API29 E and Phoenix tests for their further identification

  • Phylogenetic and Molecular Evolution (PhaME) analysis tool v. 2.5.1 was used to generate a whole genome Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) alignment, based on genomic assemblies and 77 genomes of Y. enterocolitica available from the public database PATRIC (Pathosystems Resource Integration Center)

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Bats have received intensive attention as reservoirs of zoonotic pathogens, mostly of viral infectious agents. Deadly epidemics among bats are described with massive die-offs from the fungal disease. At the end of April 2018, we were informed by a local speleologist about a die-offff of bats in the cave and 20 dead bodies were collected and kept frozen until transport to the National Center of Diseases Controoll and Public Health (NCDC) in Tbilisi. FFoorr ccuullttuurriinngg FFrraanncciisseellllaa ttuullaarreennssiiss ((tthhee aaggeenntt ooff ttuullaarreemmiiaa)),, hhoommooggeenniizzeedd sspplleeeenn aanndd lliivveerr ttiissssuueess wweerree ttrraannssffeerrrreedd ttoo ccyysstteeiinnee--eennrriicchheedd aaggaarr wwiitthh cchhooccoollaattiizzeedd 99%% sshheeeepp bblloooodd. FFoorr ccuullttuurriinngg YYeerrssiinniiaa ssppeecciieess,, ssuussppeennssiioonnss ooff ssmmaallll iinntteessttiinnee ssaammpplleess wweerree iinnooccuullaatteedd ttoo 11%% ppeeppttoonnee wwaatteerr aanndd iinnccuubbaatteedd aatt 44 ◦°CC ffoorr 2288 ddaayyss. SSwarilt,zVeraluadn.dS) witzerland) and Analytical Profile Index (API; bioMérieux SA, Marcy l’Etoile, Francaen)dtesAtsnawlyerteicaapl pPlrieodfilfeolIlonwdeinxg(AmPaIn;ubfaioctMuéreriresu’xinSstAru, cMtioarncsyfol'rEftouirlteh, eFrriadnecne)tifitecsattsiown.eArebaapctpelriieadl sfoulslpowenisnigonmwanaus fuascetudrteorsr’eihnysdtrruactteioenaschfoorfftuhrethweerlilds eanntdifitchaetisotnri.pAs wbaecrteeriniaclusbuastpeedn.sAiolnl pwoassitiuvseedantdo nreehgyadtirvaeteAePaIchtesotf rtehseuwltselwlsearendcotmhepsilteridpstowoebrteaiinncaupbraotefidle. Anullmpboesirt,iwvehaicnhdwnaesgathtievne cAoPmIpteasrtedrewsuiltths pwreorfieleconmumpibleedrs tion aobctoaminmaerpcriaolficloedneubmoobke.r, which was compared with profile numbers in a commFoerrcgieanl ecoradlebbaocotekr.iology, homogenized tissue suspensions were plated on sheep blood, CIN agar and EFnodrogeangaerrapllbaatecstearniodloingcyu,bhaotmedofgoern7iz2ehdattisasmuebsieunstpceonnsdioitniosnwfeorlelopwlaintegdAoPnIs2h9eEepanbdloPohdo, eCnIiNx taegsatsr faonrdthEenirdfouartghaerrpidlaetnetsifiacnadtioinnc.ubated for 72 h at ambient condition following API29 E and Phoenix tests for their further identification

Genomic DNA Preparation and Sequencing
Plasmid Screening
Sequence Analysis
Phylogenetic Analysis
Die-Off of Bats
Identification of Bacteria in Dead Bats
Full Text
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