
The use of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) cytometry to identify a subset of patients with grade 1, stage Ta or T1 transitional cell carcinoma at high risk for death or recurrence was investigated in a retrospective study using paraffin blocks from 88 low grade transitional cell carcinomas of the bladder with an absorptiometric video-based image analysis system. Tumors were evaluated for ploidy (70 diploid, 16 aneuploid and 2 tetraploid) and the presence of cells with greater than 5C DNA. Survival analysis of 62 patients with adequate followup (15 to 20 years) showed that 43 of 62 (69%) suffered recurrences and 13 (21%) died of bladder cancer. The single most important predictors of death and recurrence were stem line aneuploidy and the presence of cells with greater than 5C DNA, respectively.

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