
BackgroundAtypical atrial flutters often involve complex circuits. Classic methods of identifying ablation targets, including detailed electroanatomical mapping and entrainment within a well-defined isthmus, may not always be sufficient to allow the critical isthmus to be delineated and ablated, with flutter termination and prevention of reinduction. ObjectivesThis study sought a systematic method to classify conduction barriers and isthmuses as critical or noncritical that would improve understanding and ablation success. We also sought a construct unifying single- and dual-loop re-entry. Re-entrant circuits are bounded on 2 sides, although these are not consistently identified. We hypothesized 2 distinct critical boundaries, and a critical isthmus could be consistently defined without requiring entrainment, and ablation connecting these 2 boundaries would terminate tachycardia. MethodsActivation maps were created electroanatomically. Conduction barriers were classified as noncritical barriers or critical boundaries. Critical boundaries showed sequential activation around the barrier, spanning ≥90% of the cycle length. Noncritical barriers showed nonsequential, parallel, or colliding activation or <90% of the cycle length. Only tissue separating the 2 critical boundaries defined a critical isthmus (CI); all others were considered noncritical. The effect of ablation across a CI was assessed. ResultsComplete maps were obtained in 128 cases in 121 patients (28 atypical right atrial, 100 left atrial). In all cases, 2 distinct critical boundaries were identified. Ablation across a CI connecting these critical boundaries terminated tachycardia in 123 of 128 cases (96.1%). Failures were due to inability to achieve block across the isthmus. ConclusionsActivation mapping of atypical atrial flutter allows consistent identification of 2 critical boundaries. Successful ablation connecting the 2 critical boundaries reliably results in termination of atypical atrial flutter.

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