
The indirect immunofluorescence procedure was used to localize prolactin (PRL)- and somatotrophin (STH)- producing cells in the pituitary distal lobe from Hyla arborea adult specimens. The following mammalian antisera were employed: rabbit anti-ovine PRL, antibovine PRL, anti-human PRL, anti-rat PRL, anti-ovine STH, anti-bovine STH, anti-human STH; monkey anti-rat STH. Immunocytochemical staining was suppressed by solid phase absorption of both anti-PRL and anti-STH with the specific antigen. Absorption of anti-PRL with STH and of anti-STH with PRL did not appreciably affect immunocytochemical staining. Treatment with the two antisera revealed two different reactive cell types, both acidophils. Using PRL antisera a strong fluorescence was found in the large acidophils located chiefly in the rostro-central and ventral areas of the distal lobe sagittal sections. A somewhat weaker fluorescence was observed using STH antisera in the fewer, small acid-ophils mostly concentrated in the dorso-caudal region and only sparsely scattered in the other areas of the pars distalis. Strikingly, the overall pattern of localization shown by the two cell types is similar to their already known distribution in the pituitary distal lobe of some other species of urodele and anuran amphibians.

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