
Certification of products, processes and services is a means of ensuring that they meet the requirements established in technical standards and other regulatory documents. Any activity in the field of conformity assessment (certification) of defense products is associated with the possibility of unforeseen events that may affect the achievement of results in accordance with the established goal, tasks, plans of the conformity assessment (certification) body. It must make decisions regarding the compliance of the evaluated defense products with regulatory requirements, which does not exclude the occurrence of certain risks that must be identified for risk optimization. The lack of established risk identification system is one of the important factors that can negatively affect the results of the Authority’s activities.
 The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of the concept of risk identification in the field of conformity assessment (certification) of defense products as part of the overall risk assessment process, analysis of potential risk areas in the Authority’s activities, determination of identification criteria and approaches to its implementation. During the research, general scientific and special research methods were applied, including methods of system analysis and synthesis, comparative legal method, etc. An analysis of general and special risks that may arise in the field of conformity assessment (certification) has been carried out, the importance of identifying such risks has been determined; it was established that to improve the risk identification process, a comprehensive approach of the entire staff of the conformity assessment (certification) body is necessary.
 There is a justified need to create a risk identification system, which would include risk identification procedures at various stages of certification, taking into account the influence of the human factor and the protection of confidential information.

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