
Protein synthesis initiation factors in purified preparations and in crude lysates of HeLa cells were fractionated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in order to characterize their molecular forms. Specific spots in the complex cytoplasmic protein gel pattern which corresponded to the initiation factor proteins were identified by co-migration of purified initiation factors with 35S-labeled cell lysates, partial proteolytic digestion mapping, and immunoblotting analysis using antisera or affinity-purified antibodies to the initiation factors. Spots identified as eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 2 alpha, eIF-2 beta, eIF-2 gamma, eIF-4A, and four eIF-3 proteins of less than 50,000 Da corresponded to moderately abundant lysate proteins. Minor isoelectric variant forms of eIF-2 beta, eIF-2 gamma, and eIF-4A were detected by immunoblot analysis of lysate proteins, suggesting either covalent modification of these factor proteins or contaminating antibodies. eIF-2 beta and eIF-4B were present in at least two isoelectric forms, confirming covalent modification of these proteins. The cellular levels of the initiation factor proteins were measured by excising and counting radioactivity in gel-resolved spots corresponding to factors in lysates labeled in vivo. The individual factor protein abundancies span nearly a 10-fold range, from 1.1 to 9.8 million molecules/cell. The factor to ribosome ratio for eIF-2 was 0.8, for the average eIF-3 protein about 0.6, and for eIF-4A it was significantly higher at 3.0.

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