
C 24 tetracyclic terpanes are common compounds in source rocks and crude oils, and C 24 17,21-secohopane is the most common and widely used source-related indicator. In this study, three unusual C 24 tetracyclic terpanes were detected on the m/z 191 chromatogram of saturated hydrocarbons in the Shahejie Formation source rocks in the Bozhong subbasin. Based on the mass spectra characteristics, diagnostic ion fragments, retention time and comparisons with published literature, three unusual C 24 tetracyclic terpanes were identified as 10β(H)-des-A-oleanane, 10β(H)-des-A-lupane and C 24 des-A-hopane. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to detect and publicly report these three compounds in source rock samples from the Shahejie Formation of the Bozhong subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin. The results indicated that 10β(H)-des-A-oleanane and 10β(H)-des-A-lupane likely originated from terrestrial angiosperms, while C 24 des-A-hopane likely originated from prokaryotic organisms. Terrestrial angiosperms provide the material basis for the generation of compounds A and B, and the distribution and concentration of these two compounds are affected by thermal maturity. In the low maturity stage (0.5% < R o < 0.7%), compounds A and B are relatively enriched in the source rocks.

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