
some Chacoan features (Fig. 1). There were many temporary pools alongside the national road to Mendoza during this exceptionally rainy summer. The following forms were taken: Leptodactylus bufonius, Physalaemus fuscomaculatus, Physalaemus sp., Ceratophrys ornata, Odontophrynus americanus, Bufo arenarum. I observed many subterranean nests of Leptodactylus bufonius in the clayey soil, and floating froth nests of Physalaemus fuscomaculatus in the pools. There were many social burrows of Lagidium (vizcacheras) in the vicinity, perhaps the shelters of Leptodactylus bufonius and Ceratophrys, as in the true Chacoan biocenosis. The invertebrate fauna of the pools was very abundant at this period, especially entomostracans (Apus and related forms) and dipteran larvae. Only three species of batrachians were recorded by Freiberg (1942) for the province of San Luis: Bufo arenarum, Hyla raddiana, Leptodactylus ocellatus. My report shows that the fauna of this territory is a transitional one. ome Chacoan features (Fig. 1). There were any temporary pools al ngside the national oad to Mendoza during this exceptionally ainy sum er. The following forms were taken: eptodactylus bufonius, Physalaemu fuscomacuatus, Physalaemus sp., Ceratoph ys ornata, dontophrynus americanus, Bufo arenarum. I bserved many subterran an nests of Leptoactylus bufonius in the clayey soil, and floating roth nests of Physalaemus fuscomaculatus in e pools. There were many social burrows of agidium (vizcacheras) in the vicinity, peraps the shelters of Leptodactylus bufonius and eratophrys, a in the true Chacoan bio enosis. he invertebrate fauna of the pools was very bundant at this period, especially ntomostraans (Apus and related forms) and dipteran arvae. nly three species of batrachians were ecorded by Freiberg (1942) for the province of It is composed of the more ancient Chacoan subtropical elements (ecological relicts in the clayey soil station nearJarilla) and the peculiar Andean fauna of the nearby Mendoza province2. It was imp ssible during the wet summer of 1951 to find the bove mentioned forms anywhere between the canfons of the Desaguadero River and the w stern arid zone of Mendoza.

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