
Berries are agricultural products of great economic interest for Mexico, and their production has increased in recent years; however, crops are affected by tortricid leafrollers. From August 2019 to April 2021 in Michoacán and Guanajuato, Mexico, a study was conducted to determine the species of tortricids associated with blackberries (Rubus spp. L.), raspberries (Rubusidaeus L.) and strawberries (Fragaria×ananassa Duch.), as well as their altitudinal distribution. In 12 orchards located in these states, shoots, leaves and flowers infested by larvae were collected. The species were identified by male genitalia and were determined taxonomically as Amorbiacuneana (Walsingham, 1879), Argyrotaeniamontezumae (Walsingham, 1914) and Platynota sp. Walker, 1859, found at elevations from 1290 to 2372 m. The most abundant species were A.cuneana and A.montezumae. Generally, these tortricids prefer to feed on tender vegetative parts of the plant, but the economic impact they have is not known. It is worth mentioning that the number of species found is lower than those reported in other countries, but it is necessary to broaden the study area to other berry-producing regions to determine whether their distribution is wider.

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