
Until now, no fast, low-cost, and direct technique exists to identify and detect protein/peptide enantiomers, because their mass and charge are identical. They are essential since l- and d-protein enantiomers have different biological activities due to their unique conformations. Enantiomers have potential for diagnostic purposes for several diseases or normal bodily functions but have yet to be utilized. This work uses an aerolysin nanopore and electrical detection to identify vasopressin enantiomers, l-AVP and d-AVP, associated with different biological processes and pathologies. We show their identification according to their conformations, in either native or reducing conditions, using their specific electrical signature. To improve their identification, we used a principal component analysis approach to define the most relevant electrical parameters for their identification. Finally, we used the Monte Carlo prediction to assign each event type to a specific l- or d-AVP enantiomer.

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