
Polysemy is a spectacle where an individual word is associated with two or more different meanings. The distinction between polysemy and monosemy is that in monosemy, there is no presence of semantic ambiguity in language that is a word will have only one meaning. Polysemy escalates in natural language: pragmatically every word is polysemy up to a certain extent. This paper attempts to disambiguate a polysemy word and classify it to its correct sense based on its use in particular context. By taking into account the words which surround the polysemy word, the article tries to get the right sense out of it. Oxford dictionary is used to fetch the meaning of polysemy word. In this article, we use the information rich phrase or sentence as a key to identify polysemy word and illuminate it to its appropriate sense. The article is a novel approach to identify a polysemy word just like how hearers effortlessly reach at the contextually appropriate sense of word on a given occasion of use

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