
s / Journal of Reproductive Immunology 112 (2015) 121–140 131 (TGF, IFN , TNF) were stained by Per-CP monoclonal antibodies. The stained cells were analyzed using flow cytometry performed with a FACS Caliber (Becton Dickinson). Results: The percentages of CD56+CD3− in decidual cells of PE were higher than those of NP. In those cells, CD16-cells of PE were higher than those of NP, but CD16+ cells of PE were lower than NP. The positive cells of CD314 in CD56+CD3− of PE were lower than those of NP in peripheral blood. The positive cells of CD337 in CD56+CD3− of PE were higher than those of NP in decidual cells. Cytokineproduction inCD56positive cells of PEdeciduawashigher than PE peripheral blood. Conclusion: Changes of placenta decidual NK cells with NCR in preeclampsia may relate to roles in the pathology of this disorder. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jri.2015.09.032

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