
This study aims to identify local Toraja rice cultivars based on similarities and differences in morphological characters so that they can play a role in breeding and the conservation of local rice biodiversity. Activities carried out through exploration for seeds of local rice varieties with the main location of Sesean District, Rinding Allo District, Tikala District, Buntu Pepasan District, Kapala Pitu District, and Suloara District. Data collected in the form of the name of the local variety, origin, main character and potential yield and seeds. The results showed that local rice that was still planted in North Toraja consisted of 21 cultivars, namely Pare Sisaling, Pare Kanuku, Seko Bulan, Pare Barri, Pare Lea, Pare Barri Ba’tan, Pare Mandoti, Pare Bugi’, Pare Kombong, Pare Baruku, Pare Lambau, Pare Lallodo, Pare Ambo’, Pare Kaluku, Pare Datte’, Pare Ikko’ Lia, Pare Lottong, Pare Kasalle, Pare Bulaan, Pare Bau’, Pare Dambu. Morphological characters that differentiate each local rice cultivar, namely : (1) Stems, consist of the number of total and productive tillers, height, diameter, type of surface, surface color, number of nodes and length of internodus; (2) Leaves, consisting of the length and color of the leaf tongue; leaf length; and size, top surface, and leaf color; (3) Flower, consisting of panicle length, number of grains in 1 panicle, shape, size, surface type, surface color, surface tip, tail at the tip of the surface (existence, length, and color), length of stalk, and color of stalk; (4) Fruit grain, consisting of shape, size, type of surface, surface color, state of the tip of the surface, tail at the tip of the surface (existence, length, and color), length of stalk, stalk color, as well as grain loss; and (5) Seeds, consisting of shape, size, color, and the presence of glutinous substances on the surface.

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