
The consumption of Stronger, Nguvu Tangawisi, Asili Tangawisi, Nkolo Mboka, and Libala wines is increasingly popular among the population of Kivu, particularly in Goma and the northern region, due to their effectiveness in enhancing male libido. Unscrupulously, producers incorporate aphrodisiac molecules such as sildenafil citrate, tadalafil, and others into these drinks without informing consumers and disregarding the potential side effects on adolescents and healthy individuals. Screening of the five samples revealed the presence of total polyphenols, flavonoids, leuco-anthocyanins, saponins, terpenes, steroids, and tannins in all five beverages, thus justifying their use. Their aphrodisiac activity. Faced with synthetic sildenafil citrate (vigoral 100 mg), our witness, the Asili Tangausi and The Stronger beverages exhibited spots similar to those of the controls after thin-layer chromatography (TLC), with the same front ratio or values close to them. The quantification of synthetic sildenafil citrate was performed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), which revealed significant amounts of this compound in our samples. Asili Tangausi wine showed a concentration of 13.6 mg/100 mL, while The Stronger wine had a concentration of 225.07 mg/100 mL.

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