
Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) control neuronal synaptic function; however, little is known about the synaptic substrates regulated by MAPKs. A phosphopeptide library incorporating the MAPK consensus motif (PX(pS/pT)P where pS is phosphoserine and pT is phosphothreonine) was used to raise a phosphospecific antibody that detected MAPK-mediated phosphorylation. The antibody (termed “5557”) recognized a variety of phosphoproteins in the brain, many of which were enriched in postsynaptic density fractions. The immunoblot pattern changed rapidly in response to altered synaptic activity and with the inhibition of specific MAPKs and protein phosphatases. By immunoaffinity purification with 5557 antibody followed by mass spectrometry, we identified 449 putative MAPK substrates of which many appeared dynamically regulated in neuron cultures. Several of the novel candidate MAPK substrates were validated by in vitro phosphorylation assays. Additionally 82 specific phosphorylation sites were identified in 34 proteins, including Ser-447 in δ-catenin, a component of the cadherin adhesion complex. We further raised another phosphospecific antibody to confirm that δ-catenin Ser-447 is modified in neurons by the MAPK JNK in a synaptic activity-dependent manner. Ser-447 phosphorylation by JNK appears to be correlated with δ-catenin degradation, and a δ-catenin mutant defective in Ser-447 phosphorylation showed enhanced ability to promote dendrite branching in cultured neurons. Thus, phosphomotif-based affinity purification is a powerful approach to identify novel substrates of MAPKs in vivo and to reveal functionally significant phosphorylation events.


  • Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) control neuronal synaptic function; little is known about the synaptic substrates regulated by MAPKs

  • Label-free Quantitative Analysis of Proteins Immunopurified by Antibody 5557—Phosphatase inhibition by okadaic acid (OA) should increase the levels of a subset of phosphoproteins in cortical cultures, including some putative MAPK substrates

  • PSD-95/DLG4 has recently been shown to be a functionally important target of JNK1 phosphorylation [55], and we identified the Ser-295 phosphorylation site by 5557 immunoprecipitation and MS, validating our approach for discovery of MAPK substrates in the PSD

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We purchased antibodies to ␣-tubulin (mouse, Sigma), ␤-actin (mouse, Abcam, Cambridge, MA), ␦-catenin (mouse, BD Biosciences; and rabbit YV19, Sigma), FLAG (rabbit, Sigma), GFP (rabbit, MBL International, Woburn, MA), Myc (rabbit, Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA), phosphotyrosine (mouse P-Tyr-100, Cell Signaling Technology), and Akt phosphomotif Acquired MS/MS spectra were searched against the rat reference database of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (Release 21, January 6, 2007) using the SEQUEST algorithm (version 27) [41] as the analyzed samples were prepared from either rat brains or rat neuronal cultures The common contaminants, such as trypsin and keratins, were added into the database. To avoid skewing our further analysis by hand-selecting a single protein within each cluster, we included all possible proteins for the sequence-specific analysis of the complete data set even though we did not identify unique peptides for some of the proteins This may dilute the true result but might allow detection of rare MAPK substrates. A duplicate control membrane was incubated without CIP and developed in parallel

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