
Identification and characterization of geodiversity for sites need more systematic approach for the purpose of conserving site with high geoheritage value. The present of igneous and metamorphic rock at Hulu Langat creates diversity in rock, features and geomorphological features includes hot spring, waterfall, hill and mountain that hold potential as a protected geosite of heritage value. Besides, the previous tin mining activities created by the contact metamorphism, left series of lakes and ponds while the nearby mountain is susceptible area as watershed that turn into dams around the area. Analysis on topographical maps, satellite image and aerial photograph interpretation aided in identification potential geosite based on geomorphological diversity. A total of 31 potential geosites with geological-scientific value have been identified in this study compare to 10 from the previous study. The potential geosite have been classified into rock diversity, natural landscape diversity and anthropogenic landscape diversity. Characterisation recognise 6 of these potential geosite are best example or tip location to illustrate the geological element, 4 of these geosites are the only occurrence of the geological element, 27 of the potential geosites are well preserved and 4 hold the scientific knowledge written in the international journal. The identification and characterisation of geoheritage resources are crucial steps before evaluation or assessment, ranking and conservation or development being propose, while strengthen the conservation geology approach.


  • PENGENALAN Urbanisasi atau pembangunan perbandaran kesan dari peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan penyediaan ruangan kerapkali menyebabkan kemusnahan atau kehilangan sumber tabii khususnya tumbuhan asal di sesebuah kawasan (Mc Kinney, 2002)

  • the previous tin mining activities created by the contact metamorphism

  • aerial photograph interpretation aided in identification potential geosite based on geomorphological diversity

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Konsep pengenalpastian yang digunapakai dalam kajian ini adalah untuk unsur abiotik tabii iaitu kepelbagaian geologi (Gray, 2013) yang dilihat dari pespektif nilai saintifik (Brilha, 2016). Nilai saintifik yang dimaksudkan adalah dari perpektif geologi yang memberikan tahap nilai sebagai unik atau satu-satunya, mempunyai nilai saintifik tinggi untuk pendidikan dan pembelajaran dan nilai saintifik rendah hanya mempunyai kepentingan yang sedehana bagi tujuan kesedaran awam dan pelancongan (Ibrahim Komoo, 2010; Brilha, 2016). Menunjukkan ciri yang unik dan terhad dari segi taburan dan kehadiran; dan iv. Ringkasan tahap kepentingan nilai saintifik, penjelasan dan jenis tapak ini diringkaskan seperti dalam Jadual 1. Jadual 1: Penjelasan perkaitan antara tahap nilai warisan, penjelasan dan penamaan jenis tapak geologi (Ubahsuai daripada Ibrahim Komoo, 2003; Tanot Unjah, 2003 dan Tanot Unjah et al, 2018)

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Penulisan dalam lokasi yang sama jurnal kebangsaan
Kekal Hulu Langat
Gunung Tok Wan
Penulisan dalam media massa Malaysia
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