
Soybean line `ICGR95-5383' [Glycinemax (L.) Merr.] is a newly releasedgermplasm from China and is resistant (R)to soybean mosaic virus (SMV). ICGR95-5383was crossed to the susceptible (S)cultivars `HB1', `Tiefeng21', `Amsoy', and`Williams' to investigate the inheritanceof SMV resistance. The F1 and F2plants were inoculated with SMV-3 (the mostvirulent) strain from Northeast China. Theresults showed that F1 plants from thefour R × S crosses were necrotic (N) andall F2 populations segregated in a3(R+N):1S ratio, indicating thatICGR95-5383 carries a single gene withincomplete dominance for resistance to SMV. In a bulked segregant analysis (BSA) of theF2population from ICGR95-5383 × HB1, a codominant RAPD marker,OPN11980/1070, was found to be linkedto the resistance gene in ICGR95-5383. The980-base pair (bp) fragment OPN11980was amplified in the R parent ICGR95-5383,R bulk, and resistant F2 plants. Theother 1070-bp fragment OPN111070 wasamplified in the S parent HB1, S bulk, andsusceptible F2plants.OPN11980/1070 was amplified in theF1 plants and the necroticF2 plants from the R×S cross.Segregation analysis of the RAPD marker inthe F2 population revealed that themarker OPN11980/1070 is closely linkedto the resistance gene with a map distanceof 3.03 cM. OPN11980/1070 was clonedand sequenced, and specific PCR primerswere designed to convertOPN11980/1070 into sequencecharacterized amplified region (SCAR) makerSCN11980/1070. SCAR analysis of theF2 population confirmed thatOPN11980/1070 and SCN11980/1070 areat the same locus linked to the SMVresistance gene. The RAPD markerOPN11980 was used as RFLP probefor southern hybridization to soybeangenomic DNA. Southern analysis showed thatsoybean genome contains low-copy sequenceof OPN11980. Using a recombinant inbredmapping population of `Kefeng No.1' (R) ×Nannong1138-2'(S), OPN11980/1070 was mapped to thesoybean molecular linkage group (MLG) Fbetween the restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism (RFLP) markers B212 (0.7 cM) and K07 (6.7 cM) and 3.03 cM apart from theSMV resistance gene.

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