
Geomorphology is the scientific study of the earth surface. It has been described as the earthshape-science which is concerned primarily with the form of the earth. Geomorphology was considered as the study of various types of landforms and their origins. It is the study of the landforms, their description and interpretation. It is important not only as an academic discipline but it has more practical applications in the various fields. Geomorphology is the study of the relationship between geological structures and the landscape surface features as well as the processes which change the features by erosion and deposition. Regarding the State of Mizoram, as the terrain is very immature in response to recent tectonism, topographical features show prominent reliefs. The major geomorphic elements observed in the area are topographic highs and depressions, flats and slopes sculptured on the topographic surface in a linear fashion. In Mizoram the topographic depressions are in all cases in accordance with the normal first order structural elements, but the topographic highs are recorded both in the structural highs and depressions. Relief features of the State is imparted by roughly north-south trending steep, mostly anticlinal, longitudinal, parallel to sub-parallel hill ranges and synclinal narrow valleys with series of parallel hummocks or topographic highs. In general, the western limbs of the anticlines are steeper than the western limbs. Faulting in many cases, produced steep fault scarps, especially along the steep dipping fault planes. The other geomorphic elements are the high dissected ridges with the formation of deep gorges, spurs, keels and cols, which developed due to intense erosion. The difference of elevation between valley floors and hill tops greatly varies from west to east and the steep hill ranges are more towards east than to west.

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