
Shallow-water benthic foraminifera were identified from sediments of the southern part of the Caspian Sea (from Babolsar to Bahnamir). The samples were collected from 12 stations in the spring, of 2011. Sediment samples were gathered from depths up to 20 meters (5, 10, 15 and 20 m) by a Van Vein grab (0.1m 2 ); the environmental factors (dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH) were measured by an electrical multimeter. Total organic matter, calcium carbonate concentration, and grain size were calculated in the laboratory. A total of 5 species of benthic foraminifera obtained from the sediments were distinguished; four species identified respectively as Ammonia beccarii caspica Stschedrina , Elphidium littorale caspicus (Shokhina), Miliammina fusca (Brady), and Ammotium sp.; and one unidentified species. Ammonia beccarii caspica was dominant at all stations and Elphidium littorale caspicus was also observed at all stations. Structural abnormality in the tests of foraminifera (near all stations) pointed to a relatively polluted environment in the area studied.

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