
The donkeys (Equus africanus asinus), like the rest of the animal species, are susceptible to infestation by ecto and endoparasites, the investigations with respect to parasitosis that affect this species are very scarce and it is assumed that symptoms, pathogeny, treatment, and control, are similar to those observed in horses. The aim of the present investigation was to identify the main species of gastrointestinal parasites in donkeys of Tulancingo Valley. Eleven donkeys with an average age of two years were used which were managed according to international bioethical standards. Feces were collected and processed to observe the eggs morphology of gastrointestinal parasites and quantification the eggs by flotation and Mc Master techniques respectively. The 100% of donkeys presented eggs of gastrointestinal parasites, 91% (10/11) presented Trichostrongylus spp, 64% (7/11) Strongylus spp, 36% (4/11) Trichonema spp, 27% (3/11) Parascaris equorum, Strongyloide westeri, 9% (1/11) Anaplocephala spp and Oxyuris equi. It was determined that Trichostrongylus spp, is the main gastrointestinal parasite in donkeys of Tulancingo Valley. Keywords: Equus africanus asinus, Oxyurus eqqi, Parascaris equorum, Strongyloides, Thrichonema, Strongylus.

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