
In many familiar classes of algebraic structures kernels of congruence relations are uniquely specified by the inverse images q~-l(0)= {x [ q~(x)= 0} of a specified constant 0. On the one hand, q~-l(0) is nothing else but the 0-class of the kernel congruence of q~, on the other hand q~-~(0) can be axiomatized intrinsically, namely q l (0 ) is an ideal (in rings, Boolean algebras, or more generally in Heyt ing algebras), a normal subgroup, resp. normal subloop (in groups, resp. loops) or a filter (in Implicat ion algebras or Boolean algebras again, where 0 is replaced by the unit). In this paper we investigate common features of all the above structures by using a general notion of " ideal" , which makes sense in all universal algebras having a constant 0 and which specializes to the familar concepts of ideal, normal subgroup or filter in each of the algebras quoted above. In all universal algebras the 0-classes of congruence relations are easily seen to be ideals, but we shall require that conversely each ideal is the 0-class of a unique congruence relation. Such algebras, or ra ther classes of algebras with this proper ty will be called "classes with ideal determined congruences" or shortly ideal determined. In Part 1, after presenting the precise definitions, we shall show that the ideal determined varieties are characterized by a Mal 'cev condition, which turns out to be a combination of Fichtner 's condition for 0-regularity together with a ternary te rm r(x, y, z) which is a weakened form of Mal 'cev 's permutabil i ty term. From a result of Hagem ann it follows that ideal-determined varieties have modular congruence lattices, so the theory of commutators becomes readily available. In

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