
Families of horizontal ideals of contact manifolds of finite order are studied. Each horizontal ideal is shown to admit ann-dimensional module of Cauchy characteristic vectors that is also a module of annihilators (in the sense of Cartan) of the contact ideal. Since horizontal ideals are generated by 1-forms, any completely integrable horizontal ideal in the family leads to a foliation of the contact manifold by submanifolds of dimensionn on which the horizontal ideal vanishes. Explicit conditions are obtained under which an open subset of a leaf of this foliation is the graph of a solution map of the fundamental ideal that characterizes a given system of partial differential equations of finite order withn independent variables. The solution maps are obtained by sequential integration of systems of autonomous ordinary differential equations that are determined by the Cauchy characteristic vector fields for the problem. We show that every smooth solution map can be obtained in this manner. Let {Vi¦1≤i≤n} be a basis for the module of Cauchy characteristic vector fields that are in Jacobi normal form. If a subsidiary balance ideal admits each of then vector fieldsVi as a smooth isovector field, then certain leaves of the foliation generated by the corresponding closed horizontal ideal are shown to be graphs of solution maps of the fundamental ideal. A subclass of these constructions agree with those of the Cartan-Kahler theorem. Conditions are also obtained under which every leaf of the foliation is the graph of a solution map. Solving a given system ofr partial differential equations withn independent variables on a first-order contact manifold is shown to be equivalent to the problem of constructing a complete system of independent first integrals. Properties of systems of first integrals are analyzed by studying the collection ISO[A ij α ] of all isovectors of the horizontal ideal. We show that ISO[A ij α ] admits the direct sum decomposition ℋ*[A ij α ]⊕W[A ij α ] as a vector space, where ℋ*[A ij α ] is the module of Cauchy characteristics of the horizontal ideal. ISO[A ij α ] also forms a Lie algebra under the standard Lie product,ℋ*[A ij α ] andW[A ij α ] are Lie subalgebras of ISO[A ij α ], and ℋα[A ij α ] is an ideal. A change of coordinates that resolves (straightens out) the canonical basis for ℋ*[A ij α ] is constructed. This change of coordinates is used to reduce the problem of solving the given system of PDE to the problem of root extraction of a system ofr functions ofn variables, and to establish the existence of solutions to a second-order system of overdetermined PDE that generate the subspaceW[A ij α ]. Similar results are obtained for second-order contact manifolds. Extended canonical transformations are studied. They are shown to provide algorithms for calculating large classes of closed horizontal ideals and a partial analog of classical Hamilton-Jacobi theory.

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