
Though the concept of child rearing is as old as dawn of civilization, with time and advancement in technology and research these concepts are continuously in a state of flux with the result what was acceptable at a certain period of time may be regarded as out dated or irrelevant today and vice-versa, with this in view and to bring out the collective opinions of the professionals of different fields which are mainly involved in the growth and development of the child, the study was carried out by taking the interview of the experts. The descriptive analysis of the data and justification on the basis of collective opinions of experts of child rearing practices is given. The present study seeks to determine the practices followed by educated parents in rearing their children. It is observed that parents with high level of education tend to follow rigid rearing practices whereas parents with low level of education follow permissive rearing practices, only 46.67 per cent parents of all the groups were found to follow ideal rearing practices. It is found that education of parents plays a significant role in many aspects of child rearing practices.

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