
AbstrakThis article scrutinizes toward Soepomo 'corporatist state' thoughtsinfluences through Indonesia constitution (UUD R1 1945) that compare toanother Benito Mussolini's. The author here finds about the similarity valueboth Soepomo and Mussolini perspectives regarding character and origin ofa state. Those thought is accepted although no any formal claim on UUD RI1945 is applied corporatist state system but its influence still exist in insideof The same situation in fascism fashions neither in formal or substantialform can be found in UUD R1 1945. The author keeps curiosity on thesimilarity thoughts of Soepomo and Mussolini about corporatist state isassumed be influenced by inadequate fascism. The inadequate itself isentitled only by a number of indication and not by plenty facts that direct tothere. This assumption has been a Nasution claim on Japanese fascism waspersuaded on UUD R1 1945 drafting even in insufficient form

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