
The aim of this paper is to highlight the innovations and positive transformations in teaching and learning strategies in Environmental Education facilitated by Information and Communication Technology (ICT), as well as to x-ray the potential/inherent health and safety challenges arising therefrom. 21st century is an era in which the entire world experiences unprecedented advancements in technology. ICT has revitalised and transformed learning environments and platforms in the education sector for children, youths and adults alike by providing learners with a gamut of learning equipment and opportunities which include the use of Computer, Internet, WhatsApp, Facebook, Zoom/Webinar and so on. Specifically, the 21st century era has witnessed, in a positive manner, the effect of ICT in the field of Environmental Education (EE). Notwithstanding this effect, however, various outstanding research studies, have revealed that ICT has also posed certain health and safety challenges to both learners and facilitators/teachers in the environmental education setting. Comparison of the said challenges with the situation in the teaching and learning settings for EE prior to the emergence of ICT in the 21st century is done in this paper to provide further information that would assist the authors in making desirable recommendations towards effective management of the potential health and safety hazards in the 21st century teaching and learning settings for Environmental Education.

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