
Within implementation of the National Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Program, ICT instructors facilitate schools with integrating ICT in teaching. Two types of ICT instructors take part in the implementation process: External district ICT instructors and internal school ICT instructors. This research has two goals: to examine how the ICT instructors perceive the encouraging and inhibiting factors of the change implementation, and to examine the factors predicting external district ICT instructors’ sense of empowerment in comparison with internal school ICT instructors, thus examining the knowledge power PICTK (Program Information Communication Technology Knowledge) and TPACK knowledge (Technological Pedagogy and Content Knowledge) on the sense of empowerment within them. The methodology combines quantitative and qualitative research tools in a self-report questionnaire. The research findings clarify that the ICT instructors’ sense of empowerment improves by enhancing their PICTK knowledge and TPACK knowledge. This sense of empowerment helps the instructor in creating viewpoints on the implementation process and the National Program’s outcome. The research shows that the ICT instructors’ viewpoints have unique significance to understanding the change elements that the National ICT Program creates in the schools. It is therefore recommended to continue with encouraging ICT instructors to expand their personal knowledge on the developing ICT program.

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