
Established in Hierakonpolis, as well as in other strong politarchies: in Nagada and Abydos of the predynastic time, headed by a leader, vested with sacred and military functions, in a historical perspective, formed the basis of the institution of royal power and the state structure of the Egyptian territorial state. The structuring of the physical space of the historically established local territories corresponded to the centric socio-political structure of society headed by a leader, later a regional king, and in the dynastic era, the king of Egypt. Knowledge of the model of the world, its origin and the place of man in it occupied a central place in the mythology of predynastic Egypt. The ritual was the most important evidence of the role of cosmologic principles in their earthly incarnation. It played a primary role in the mythopoetic model of the world. At the same time, the main figure during the ritual, the holiday was the leader of society as a participant in the cosmological action - the creation of the universe. Hence the belief in the divinity of the sacred king, for he was considered the bearer of order, fighting chaos. Ritual items associated with the cult of the king, found in sanctuaries and royal tombs, provide important information about the iconography, attributes and insignia of power. The image-symbolic language of visual texts allows us to interpret the functions of the supreme power.

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