
Stacy Boldrick is a Lecturer in Art Museum and Gallery Studies at the University of Leicester, where she conducts research in iconoclasm and its significance for social groups and institutions. She is the author of Iconoclasm and the Museum (Routledge, 2020). In 2013, she collaborated with Tabitha Barber to curate Art Under Attack: Histories of British Iconoclasm, an exhibition at Tate Britain. The present interview took place in the aftermath of George Floyd's murder and against the background of the ensuing worldwide anti-racism movement and protests when many debates on what should happen to monuments linked to the Confederacy, slavery and colonialism were put in the spotlight. The interview explores the historical and social consequences of iconoclasm, with a particular focus on the role of monuments within the current anti-racism movement. Lily Jean is studying Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick.

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