
Identifying facies and paleoenvironmental interpretation of the rock record is complicated due to the interplay of independent variables (i.e. wave-, river- and tidal-input) in marginal- and shallow-marine environments. This study integrates sedimentology and ichnology to characterize the depositional environments of the Lower Cretaceous Wabiskaw Member. The deltaic and strand plain shoreface-offshore deposits of Wabiskaw Member of Clearwater Formation of northeast Alberta provide an excellent case study to evaluate the ichnological and sedimentological characteristics associated with laterally and vertically variable stresses in wave-influenced nearshore settings. The Wabiskaw Member is studied using four sedimentary facies associations (Ten sedimentary facies). Facies association 1(FA-1) consists of massive, sharp-based mudstones and lenticular sandstone with small-scale soft-sediment deformation features, syneresis cracks and small-scale oscillation ripples. The ichnological suite mainly includes small grazing and deposit-feeding traces, representing the Phycosiphon Ichnofacies. Facies association 1(FA-1) is interpreted to record deposition in a prodeltaic setting. Facies association 2 (FA-2) is fine-to-medium-grained sandstone and thin mudstone with current, oscillation and combined flow ripples. The low angle and trough cross-beds, soft-sediment deformation structure, mud chips and coal debris are common. The trace fossil suite includes sporadically distributed deposit-feeding traces belonging to the Rosselia Ichnofacies. This facies association is interpreted to be deposited in the delta front to a mouth bar setting. Facies association 3 (FA-3) is gray to bluish-gray mudstone with minor sandstone interbeds (massive, planar parallel to hummocky cross-stratified). FA-3 is moderate to highly bioturbated. The ichnodiversity and abundance is high with dominant horizontal and subordinate vertical traces, including the dominance of deposit and detritus feeding traces representing the archetypal Cruziana Ichnofacies ichnological suite. Facies association 3 (FA-3) is interpreted as being deposited in a storm-influenced offshore environment. Facies association 4 (FA-4) is upper fine to fine-grained glauconitic sandstone with minor mudstone interbeds at the base. Physical sedimentary structures including massive and planar (horizontal and low angle), hummocky, and swaley crossing-stratification. FA-4 is heavily burrowed with a diverse suite of horizontal and vertical traces of deposit and detritus-feeding structures, representing a proximal expression of Cruziana Ichnofacies. Facies association 4 (FA-4) represents distal lower to middle shoreface deposition. The Wabiskaw Member deltaic (prodelta-delta front) deposits, producing characteristic sedimentological-ichnological signatures, distinguishing these deposits from related strand plains. In addition to characteristic deltaic traits (e.g. soft-sediment deformation structures, fluid mud and syneresis cracks), these deposits commonly contain comparably stressed low-diversity and diminutive trace-fossil suites. On the other hand, fully marine strand plain shoreface-offshore complexes are characterized by comparably robust trace fossils with high ichno-diversity and bioturbation intensities.

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