
The globe today, practically everyone uses the internet, which is filled with a vast amount of information and content, the majority of which includes pornographic and violent photos and movies. Social media has grown in importance in today's society as a result of the expansion of the internet. This has increased the risk of privacy invasion, which includes the release of private photos that should not be shared because they violate the privacy of some people. Today, even a young child can easily access these materials. Recent image leaks from prominent social media applications and the use of private photos by clever algorithms have caused the public to re-evaluate the need for individual privacy when uploading images on social media. The process of sharing photos on social networking sites is complex in and of itself, and the measures in place to safeguard privacy in daily life are labor-intensive and fall short of providing tailored, precise, and adaptable privacy protection. We have found that techniques like "privacy intelligence" solutions, which concentrate on current privacy issues related to online social networking image sharing, are effective. An optical character recognition-based system that filters photographs with sensitive text, in addition, a visual algorithm that filters out pictures that aesthetically resemble those on an image blacklist is used. These measures can help stop the spread of any delicate content on social media.

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