
ICELAND'S economy is being broadened by American chemical engineering technology, practical know-how, equipment, and apparatus that is chiefly American. The whole ambitious project might well be called Operation Chemical Bootstraps. To meet their grave economic problems the self-reliant Icelanders have come up with a solution that is as scientific as it is sensible, as bold as it is unexpected. They have enlisted chemicals in their battle for a better, safer standard of living. This novel economic offensive was launched early last summer when a synthetic ammonia plant, designed by Charles Owen Brown and executed by Singmaster & Breyer, went on stream with appropriate patriotic fanfare. The unit is small by our standards. Capacity is 30 tons of anhydrous ammonia; 86 tons of 62% nitric acid; 68 tons of ammonium nitrate daily. Abduriarverksmoiojan (which means fertilizer factory) is ultramodern in buildings, apparatus, and process, and in its final steps, the continuous crystallization of the end-product...

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