
AbstractThe Multi‐angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) provides measurements over a wider scattering‐angle range for a given location than a cross‐track scanning sensor such as the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Based on a full year (2013) of fused MISR‐MODIS datasets, we develop a variable surface roughness model for ice particles with the goal of identifying the optimal degree of roughness in the ice model for a given pixel containing single‐layer ice clouds. For the MISR‐MODIS observations over oceans, severe roughness values are often selected for a pixel when optical thickness (τ) and particle effective radius (Reff) are large in conjunction with larger cloud heterogeneity index (Hσ) or a warmer cloud top temperature. Furthermore, τ, Reff, and ice water path are retrieved with the optimal model and compared to operational MODIS Collection 6 (MC6) products that assume a constant roughness. In general, the retrievals based on the present optimal model lead to greater consistency with MISR measurements, and result in larger median τ by 10.1% and smaller median Reff by 6.5% but almost identical ice water path in comparison with the MC6 counterparts. The higher average τ value is caused by a slightly larger number of large τ cases, but the smaller average Reff value is due to the shifting of the retrieved Reff value toward smaller values by approximately 2–4 μm in comparison to the MC6 distribution over all seasons. Both τ retrievals have similar regional and monthly variations, but a larger annual cycle of Reff is associated with the optimal model.

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