
profiles Banks’ Florilegium, published between 1980 and 1990. The Florilegium consists of over 700 botani- cal line engravings made from Sydney Parkinson’s watercolours, recording the plants collected by Joseph Banks and Daniel Carl Solander on Captain James Cook’s first voyage around the world After 1990, Chris, with Dick Vane-Wright and Paul Williams, both (then) of the Entomology Department, the Natural History Museum, pooled their collective systematic and biogeographical expertise together and began to address ques- tions relating to conservation biology with their synthetic ‘WorldMap’ approach. After a decade of fruitful collaboration Chris returned to studying the distribution of plants on Macaronesia, the is- lands he cut his teeth on as a student. Chris received many honours: the Linnean Society’s Bicentenary Medal in 1980 and their Gold Medal in 2001; he was also an Honorary Fel- low of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. He was President of the Sys- tematics Association (2001—2003) as well as its Treasurer (1996—9), and President of the Willi Hennig Society (1989—1991), being elected a Fel- low honoris causa in 1998. Chris was also Vice- President and Botanical Secretary of the Linnean Society (1994—1998). In 2008, a three-day Meeting was held in his honour at the Linnean Society; a Festschrift will be published in early 2010. David Williams Natural History Museum London , UK membership corner ISSN 1948-6596 IBS-sponsored events Latest news from the forthcoming 2011 IBS meeting at Crete The four invited-speakers symposia that will be held in the Crete meeting have now been decided upon. The list includes the following: 4. Mediterranean biogeography: where history meets ecology across scales (organizers: Spyros Sfenthourakis & Remy Petit) 1. Analytical advancements in macroecology and biogeography (organizers: Alexandre Diniz-Filho & Carsten Rahbek) Besides these symposia, additional thematic ses- sions will host contributed presentations, follow- ing the model started in the Merida meeting. The nature and topics covered by each session will be decided in the near future. 2. New Perspectives on Comparative Phy- logeography – novel integrative approaches and challenges (organizers: Ana Carnaval & Mike Hick- erson) Jens-Christian Svenning V. P. for Conferences 3. Biogeography and Ecology: Two Lenses in One Telescope (organizers: Dave Jenkins & Bob Rick- lefs) Spyros Sfenthourakis Organizing board of the 2011 IBS meeting You can find information about the International Biogeography Society at http:// www.biogeography.org/, and contact with other biogeographers at the IBS blog (http:// biogeography.blogspot.com/), the IBS facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/group.php? gid=6908354463) and the IBS twitter channel (https://twitter.com/biogeography). frontiers of biogeography 1.1, 2009 — © 2009 the authors; journal compilation © 2009 The International Biogeography Society


  • Banks’ Florilegium, published between 1980 and 1990

  • The Florilegium consists of over 700 botanical line engravings made from Sydney Parkinson’s watercolours, recording the plants collected by Joseph Banks and Daniel Carl Solander on Captain James Cook’s first voyage around the world (1768—1771)

  • After 1990, Chris, with Dick Vane-Wright and Paul Williams, both () of the Entomology Department, the Natural History Museum, pooled their collective systematic and biogeographical expertise together and began to address questions relating to conservation biology with their synthetic ‘WorldMap’ approach

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The Florilegium consists of over 700 botanical line engravings made from Sydney Parkinson’s watercolours, recording the plants collected by Joseph Banks and Daniel Carl Solander on Captain James Cook’s first voyage around the world (1768—1771). Chris received many honours: the Linnean Society’s Bicentenary Medal in 1980 and their Gold Medal in 2001; he was an Honorary Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was President of the Systematics Association (2001—2003) as well as its Treasurer (1996—9), and President of the Willi Hennig Society (1989—1991), being elected a Fellow honoris causa in 1998. In 2008, a three-day Meeting was held in his honour at the Linnean Society; a Festschrift will be published in early 2010

David Williams
Spyros Sfenthourakis
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