
The presence of important parts of the dialectical, “theological” works of Ibn Rushd in Ibn Taymiyya’s Darʾ taʿāruḍ al-ʿaql wa-l-naql (Averting Contradiction between Reason and Revelation) has been well known since Sālim’s critical edition of the Darʾ. Analyzing all the fragments that Ibn Taymiyya quotes, with an overview in tabular form, this chapter shows how he instrumentalizes Ibn Rushd’s thought. Ibn Taymiyya proves to be very selective in his quotations, and even more so in his comments on fragments from Ibn Rushd’s works. Furthermore, he does not always contextualize Ibn Rushd’s views appropriately, especially when he compares them with similar views present in other currents of Islamic thought. Finally, he omits any reference to Ibn Rushd’s Faṣl al-maqāl, almost certainly deliberately, even though the Faṣl deals with the same core theme as the Darʾ: taʾwīl, the figurative interpretation of the Qurʾān.

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