
On this occasion I am not going to write anything about infections or medicaments, simply I am thinking it is worthwhile to spare a little time with some enthusiasm and write something about the Iberoamerican Pharmaceutical Academies. So I am going to expose a brief summary of their history and also a short commentary on their activities. At this moment I think it is obliged to go back in the time and begin this short report thirty five years ago, when in Malaga, was held on 1979 the II Pharmaceutical National Journey, in Torremolinos Congress Building, located in Malaga (Spain). Three illustrated pharmacists: Rafael Alvarez Colunga, Juan Salvador Martin Ruiz, and Francisco Vazquez Carrasco, whom were presidents, on those days, of the Pharmaceutical Official Colleges from Seville, Malaga and Huelva, respectively. On November 24 1979, they wrote the general conclusions of the National Pharmaceutical Journey. Between these conclusions, and more properly on the XI conclusion it was written “To create the Royal Iberoamerican Academy of Pharmacy that should be located in Sevilla, with the duty to held academic events in the Rabida (Huelva, Spain)”. This proposal was presented by Rafael Alvarez Colunga. It was the first time with a real purpose to draw up the Iberoamerican Pharmacysts. This propose was like a dream, but as always happen with the new projects, the creation of this Corporation had the inherent difficulties, that were going to retard the process. However two years after, Juan Salvador Martin Ruiz, president, at that period time of the Official Pharmaceutical Colleges Federation (actually Andalucian Conseil) gives to Rafael Diaz Mantis, who wass at this period Secretary of Official Pharmaceutical College of Huelva, the double mission to redact the statutes and rules of the Academy and to obtain, also the adhesions of the pharmaceutical colleagues, from the Latin American countries. The adhesions were coming slowly, like says a Spanish proverb “step by step. . . ”. The Project was assumed by the Faculties of Pharmacy of Granada and Seville (Spain), and it was a great impulse; in the sameway like an enzyme acts in a chemical reaction, something similar took place in this case, able to catalyze and transform, an illusion into a present materiality. Finally the Iberoamerican Academy of Pharmacy was created by order 156/1990, on May 22 from 1990. The first number Academicians took possession of their charges two years after, on September 11 from 1992, in the so pretty and expressive marck as the Venerable Hospital, from the Seville city.

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