
ABSTRACT Nestling begging behaviour has long been seen as a signal by which nestlings solicit care from parents and most of the existing evidence provides some support for it being an honest signal. Begging is a multicomponent signal in which both sound and vision components are usually important. Although it is known that begging encodes information about nestling hunger the present knowledge about the specific behavioural features that convey the information is still scarce. The aim of this study was to describe begging calls of Iberian Azure-winged Magpie Cyanopica (cyana) cooki nestlings and examine how information on nestling hunger might be encoded in the begging calls. Nestlings were experimentally submitted to different periods of food deprivation and the call variation within individuals was studied. The young were individually tested and stimulated to beg by simulating parental visits. When subject to increasing food deprivation periods, nestlings increased the response level to simulated parental visits. The study also found that for the studied size differences, nestlings did not differ in their response level. Results confirmed that information on nestlings' hunger might be encoded in parameters of the calling behaviour. When the food deprivation periods increased, nestlings tended to start begging earlier, begged more often, extended their calling bout and increased the call duration, changing both at the level of the call and vocal begging bout. Overall the results support the view of begging as an honest signal, namely that begging should reflect nestling hunger and that only some call features might encode information about hunger.

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