
We present a patient with a rare vascular emergency of iatrogenic right ulnar artery pseudoaneurysm presented as an expanding hematoma with right forearm compartment syndrome following a percutaneous coronary intervention done to place stent in the left anterior descending artery through right transulnar approach (radial nondominant). A 71-year-old female was referred with a mass on the flexor aspect of the right forearm associated with severe localized pain, tenderness, and weakness of distal forearm and hand. Investigations had revealed a right ulnar artery pseudoaneurysm. Ultrasonography of the right forearm demonstrated a pseudoaneurysm with thrombus formation arising from the right ulnar artery and using a hand Doppler, no blood flow detected distal to the swelling. Surgical repair by an open approach was done to remove the hematoma and the ulnar artery puncture site was repaired. The postoperative period was uneventful.

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