
Objective: We aimed to investigate whether mouse mothers born prematurely give birth to preterm pups. Methods: Sexually mature female C57BL/6 mice were used. To create the pPROM model, the fetal membranes of the right uterus were pierced using sterile 21- or 26-gauge needles on gestational day 15.5. Results: The mean gestational duration of the first-generation pPROM model was 17.5 days. The mean gestational duration for the second-generation female mice born prematurely from the pPROM model was 19.8 days. The gestational duration between the first and second generations was significantly different (P<0.01). The average pup weight was greater in the third-generation mice than in the second-generation mice. Conclusion: Mice born to pPROM model mice did not give birth to preterm pups. It appears that mother born prematurely through iatrogenic pPROM does not have preterm birth.

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