
Summary: In recent years doctors and medical institutions are increasingly in the focus of law enforcement bodies, the number of criminal cases against doctors and the number of cases bringing to administrative responsibility of medical institutions is growing. Despite the fact that defects in the provision of medical care are detected in half of the cases, a direct cause-effect relation and the determination of the severity of harm to health are detected in isolated cases. The right legal evaluation of action (inaction) of a medical worker in a specific situation can be given under methodologically correctly performed examination.


  • For citation: Dmitrieva OA, Golubeva AV, Sherstyuk BV, Kosinskaya ED

  • Summary: In recent years doctors and medical institutions are increasingly in the focus of law enforcement bodies, the number of criminal cases against doctors and the number of cases bringing to administrative responsibility of medical institutions is growing

  • Despite the fact that defects in the provision of medical care are detected in half of the cases, a direct cause-effect relation and the determination of the severity of harm to health are detected in isolated cases

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For citation: Dmitrieva OA, Golubeva AV, Sherstyuk BV, Kosinskaya ED. “Iatrogenic crimes” and complications of intensive care in pediatrics. В последнее время врачи и лечебные учреждения все чаще оказываются в сфере внимания правоохранительных органов, растет количество уголовных дел против врачей и случаев привлечения медицинских организаций к гражданскоправовой ответственности. Что дефекты оказания медицинской помощи выявляются в половине случаев, прямая причинно-следственная связь и определение степени тяжести вреда здоровью – в единичных.

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